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Google Plus

Google Plus

Have you created your Google+ page yet? Do you know what all the fuss is about?

Google+ is a hot topic and has become a fan. Google+ is a social network, sort of similar to Facebook.

Google+ has rolled out business pages to allow companies to create customised profiles. They encourage brands to connect, share and engage with fans.

Maria Callow, Managing Director said: “Searching or finding alexandrapatrick on the Internet is a significant reason why we are interested in Google+. It’s in the early stages but it’s here to stay.”

Is Google+ relevant to you? It’s unlikely to be now for most businesses — though an early presence is not a bad thing (claiming business names etc).

Maria Callow continued “Remember, don’t start what you’re not prepared to finish. Regularly share fresh content, be engaging and respond to your fans. And don’t forget to promote it on your blog and website.”

To create a Google+ page visit and follow us on Twitter and Google+